Transfer Pricing and International Tax

Advanced Pricing Agreement

We assist in the process of unilateral Advanced Pricing Agreements with tax authorities, starting from the preparation of supporting documents to obtaining approval from tax authorities

Mutual Agreement Procedure

A Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) which is a method designed to relieve double taxation, typically arising from TP cases, to resolve treaty-related tax disputes and issues in interpreting or applying a double tax treaty. The MAP provides a bilateral mechanism for the competent authorities engaged to negotiate with each other with the aim of resolving the underlying tax issues by mutual agreement.

Transfer Pricing Dispute Resolution

Our transfer pricing dispute resolution team will enable you to minimize tax liabilities, penalties and surcharges arising from matters challenged.

Transfer Pricing Documentation

We assist in the preparation of integrated Transfer Pricing Documentation to establish compliance with the requirements of the Indonesian tax authority and in accordance with the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines to create a credible Transfer Pricing Documentation.

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